YCA honors finance minister by honor shield         WCO congratulates Abdul Hakim Al-Qubati on his appointment as YCA Chairman         YCA chairman participates in 54 WCO MENA session and the openining of 138 council session         Our country participates in WCO 138 counsil session         Yemen Customs Authority (YCA) and  Land Transport Affair  Authority (LTAA) agree to develop joint cooperation between them.         YCA participating in 12th meeting of the modified agreement on exchanging exemption from taxes and customs duties         YCA Chairman confirms that customs revenues has exceeded 500 billion YR         Free Zone customs officials seized important military tools         Yemen Customs Authority (YCA) participates in 55 MENA meeting,,,,         His Excellency the Minister of Finance inaugurates the Customs Training Center         Shahen Customs Port siezed 52 Kornet Missilles          YCA and UNODC hold joint coordination meeting         The conclusion of the training course for middle leaders at Customs Training Center (CTC).         Yemen Chairs The 42th Meeting of Directors General of Arab Customs         YCA participates in WCO 139/140 sessions         Minister of Finance receives the international ISO 9001 certificate granted to the Customs Authority   

YCA participating in 12th meeting of the modified agreement on exchanging exemption from taxes and customs duties

Republic of Yemen represented by financial and civil aviation authorities participated in the twelfth meeting of the committee concerning  the modified agreement on exchanging exemption from taxes and customs duties on the activities and equipment of the air carrier, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of Arab League from 19 to 20/1/2022, which was devoted to discussing the draft of The ninth amended agreement in order to reach consensus for all countries on the draft agreement. The meeting was attended by Mr. Abdullah Al-Habashi, Director General of Exemptions from Yemen Customs Authority, Anwar Zamam - customs advisor and Walid Abdulaziz, economic advisor

From the part of from Yemen  permanent delegation in Cairo  , Mr. Muhammad Ali, the financial director of the Aviation Authority from the side of the Ministry of Transport, , and Mr. Wadah Al-Haythami, Deputy Director of Aden International Airport

Date: الخميس    2022-01-20